Social Platforms
Facebook is the largest social media network on the Internet, both in terms of total number of users and name recognition with more than 1.59 billion monthly active users and this automatically makes it one of the best mediums for connecting people from all over the world with your business. It is estimated that more than 1 million small and medium-sized businesses use the platform to advertise their business.
Twitter You might be thinking that limiting your posts to 140 characters is no way to advertise your business, but you will be shocked to know that this social media platform has more than 320 million active monthly users who make use of the 140 character limit to pass on information. Businesses can use Twitter to interact with prospective clients, answer questions, release latest news and at the same time use the targeted ads with specific audiences.
LinkedIn is hands-down the most popular social media site for professional networking. The website is available in 24 languages and has over 400 million registered users.
Google+ has its place among the popular social media sites. Its SEO value alone makes it a must-use tool for any small business, with over 418 active million users.
Pinterest has over 100 million users, and is extremely popular with women, who make up half of the Pinterest user base.
Instagram is a visual social media platform, has more than 400 million active users, 95 percent of who also use Facebook.