Every financial institution should encourage financial advisors to utilize social media as much as possible. However, there are two main reasons why social media for financial advisors is challenging: time and technology. Creating and conveying original thought-leadership and promoting employee advocacy can be a major challenge for financial institutions, simply because advisors don’t have the time to fit them into their busy schedules. Here’s why time and technology are major barriers for financial advisor social media and how you can overcome them.
Time Challenges For Financial Advisors
Every financial firm has to find a way to eliminate time challenges for their financial advisors to use social media effectively. Time is needed in order to:
- Write and develop original content
- Have all original content edited and approved in accordance with compliance policies
- Post and share content across multiple social media platforms
With financial advisors and social media, an automated content creation process is essential to eliminate the barrier of time. A financial firm never wants to take away from the full-time responsibilities of a financial advisor, but it’s also important to promote employee advocacy by creating and sharing relevant content via social media. Automated solutions incorporating outsourced content creation can significantly decrease the challenges of creating the content and the editorial and compliance processes, so advisors can focus more on finding new clients and building relationships with current clients.
Technology Challenges For Financial Advisors
Technology challenges mostly revolve around mobile capabilities. Of course, there are many compliance regulations to follow when referring to financial advisors and social media, and technology plays a big role. Advisors are constantly on-the-go and don’t always have the time to post and share content with their network on a consistent basis. But with automated solutions, these technological challenges can be outsourced so advisors never have to miss a beat with any of their responsibilities.
Is There A Solution To Both Challenges?
Outsourcing content creation and leveraging technology to automate workflow management is an all-in-one solution many of the top financial firms have adopted. This solution not only provides a remedy to the time and technology challenges faced by financial advisors and social media, but it also provides compliance protection.
SocialFinServ has the all-in-one solution to help financial advisors overcome the barriers of time and technology. We understand social media for financial advisors presents many challenges, and our automated system is designed to overcome each and every one of them. Whether it’s creating the content based on input from advisors or facilitating your firm’s employee advocacy program and ensuring compliance, our solution is tailored to your needs. Feel free to contact us at any time to see how our solution can help make your financial advisors efficient and effective in all aspects of their job.